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Ingplan Founded
Gauteng Electrical & Electronic Office Opened
Ingplan attains big milestone: 25 years in business.
Gauteng Mechanical Office Opened
Namibian Office Opened
The Ingplan Group comprises of three offices in Namibia & South Africa and has over 25 years experience in Consulting Engineering Services and Construction Project Management. As a leading service driven company, Ingplan is dedicated to providing quality professional engineering expertise to Africa. Through staff excellence and sound corporate governance, we convert engineering concepts into reality.
The Board, Management and Staff of Ingplan Consulting Engineers would like to thank all stakeholders and partners for their support throughout the past 25 years. Getting to this point is a great achievement, which would not have occurred without the constant support of everyone Ingplan interacts with, within the engineering environment.
Although based in Namibia and South Africa, projects undertaken by Ingplan stretch across the African continent, covering most major regions.
Ingplan makes use of all its resources, both human and otherwise, efficiently,allowing for optimum operational success, further setting itself apart as a leadingengineering consultancy firm.
Ingplan specialises in the following professional engineering consulting services
Incoming Electrical Supplies
Design of Electronic Modules
Street Lightning
Evaluation of Electronic Equipment
Project Management and Feasibility Studies
Security Systems
Building and Energy Controls
Process Control and Automation
Clock Installations
Load Flow Analysis
Electrical Distribution Systems
Lifts, Hoists and Escalators
Maintenance of Electronic Systems(Advice & Observation)
Flight Guidance Equipment
Electric Lightning & Power Installations
Data Processing
Public Address, Personnel and Radio Communication Networks
Power Factor Correction
Generating Plant Installations
Measurement and Control Systems
Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
Renewable Energy – Turnkey Projects
Smart Metering Design and Implementation
Mechanical process design pertaining to the mining industry, manufacturing industry and abattoirs.
Automatic sprinkler systems
Gas and compressed air system
Automatic & Water & Drainage Systems
Cold rooms and refrigeration systems
Water reticulation, sewage, draining & steam installations.
Fire Engineering, Smoke Ventilation & Evacuation Systems
Process cooling installations for computer and relating centers
Specialist air-conditioning and heating services pertaining to the pharmaceutical and health industries
Fire Protection
Thermal characteristic analysis and system evaluation of buildings.
Air-Conditioning and ventilation systems in buildings with emphasis on energy conservation
Water Supply Schemes – Reservoirs, pressure towers, pumping stations, distribution networks and water treatment plants
Vertical Transportation
Mechanical services pertaining to buildings with emphasis on energy conservation
Office Developments
Commercial / Retail / Shopping Centres
Bridges & Culverts
Township Services
Services Reports
Warehousing / Distribution Centres
Residential Developments
Hospitals & Healthcare
Storm Water Management
Industrial Developments
Motor Dealerships
Roads & Highway Design
Earthworks Design
Transportation Planning Studies
Demand Modeling & Traffic Studies
Road Safety Audits
Road Network Planning
Traffic Signal Systems Design & Optimization
Public Transport Management & Policy
Traffic Safety Investigations
Traffic Management
Access Management
Capacity Analysis of Intersections & Networks
Feasibility Studies
All Construction Contracts: JBCC, GCC, NAIQS, FIDIC
Progress Reporting
Resource Management
Cost Management & Reporting
Contract Administration
Certification of Claims
Construction Programming
Contract Negotiations
Value Engineering
Coordination with Consultants and Contractors
Construction Supervision
Our work spans across various engineering disciplines and includes bothprivate and public projects.
Ingplan Consulting Engineers is expanding again!!
Professional Electrical Engineer (Pr Eng) Data Centre Engineer
Professional Consulting Engineer with data centre experience
based in Pretoria
We are looking for a Professionally registered Electrical
Data Centre engineer with:
3+ years’ experience in data centre projects with specific data centre commissioning experience.
BTech/BEng/BSc in Electrical Engineering (NQF Level 7)
Registration with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA)
Please forward CV to recruitment@ingplan.co.za
2D/3D Electrical draughtsman/designer
Consulting 2D/3D Electrical draughtsman/designer with
Engineering & Building Services projects experience based in Pretoria.
We are looking for an 2D/3D Electrical draughtsman/designer with:
5+ years’ experience in Building Services and Engineering projects in the consulting engineering environment.
Formal training in:
Please forward CV to recruitment@ingplan.co.za
Electrical Engineer (B.Eng)
Consulting Electrical Engineer with Engineering & Building Services projects experience based in Pretoria
We are looking for an Electrical engineer with:
5+ years’ experience in Building Services and Engineering projects in the consulting engineering environment.
BTech/BEng/BSc in Electrical Engineering (NQF Level 7)
Please forward CV to reqruitment@ingplan.co.za
Professional Electrical Engineer (Pr Eng)
Professional Consulting Engineer with Engineering & Building Services projects experience based in Pretoria
We are looking for a Professionally registered Electrical engineer with:
5+ years’ experience in Building Services and Engineering projects in the commercial, retail and energy environment.
BTech/BEng/BSc in Electrical Engineering (NQF Level 7)
Registration with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA)
Please forward CV to recruitment@ingplan.co.za
Unit 5, Square Park,
Hebenstreit Street
Windhoek, 9000
P.O.Box 90835
Klein Windhoek, Windhoek
Tel: +264 61 245 339 +264 61 245 345
Fax: +264 (0)61 245 343
E-mail: info@ingplan.com.na
Website: www.ingplan.co.za
Ingplan Suite, Daventry Forum 4
15 Daventry Road, Lynwood Manor
Pretoria, 0001
P.O. Box 36564
Menlo Park, 0102
Tel: +27 (0)12 365 3444, Fax: +27 (0)12 365 3445
Cell: +27 (0)82 412 2904
E-mail: info@ingplanmech.co.za
Website: www.ingplan.co.za
4 Via Salara Crescent
Irene Corporate Corner
Centurion, 0157
P.O. Box 35585
Menlo Park, 0105
Tel: +27 (0)12 348 3284, Fax: +27 (0)12 348 3729
Cell: +27 (0)82 887 8711
E-Mail: admin@ingplan.co.za
Website: www.ingplan.co.za